Collaborative School Improvement Processes [i]
Course Number List a course number that your university allows for workshops in education.
Workshop Name Collaborative School Improvement Processes
Instructor of Record[ii]
Name Provide full name.
Highest Degree List highest degree obtained.
Contact Information Supply phone number and email address.
Credit Hours Supply semester or quarter hours here.
The workshop includes three units of equivalent length. Each unit involves 15-20 hours of “face-to-face” time either in person or online and 20-30 hours of independent work (e.g., projects, applications in the classroom or school, and so on). A 1-semester hour version of the workshop will entail completion of one of the three units that comprise the workshop, a 2-semester hour version will entail completion of two of the units, and a 3-semester hour version will entail completion of all three units.[iii]
Workshop Description
The effort to implement leadership teams, foster collaboration among their members, and build a collaborative school culture that values inquiry and shared leadership is a complex one; and it typically takes a lot of time. This workshop helps prepare school principals to lead such an extensive and complex effort. Through readings, videos, and activities, the three units that comprise the workshop provide insights about the processes, norms, and structures needed for collaboration across teams that include various stakeholders. The workshop contains three units, the first of which helps principals understand what to expect when putting collaborative processes into place. It examines conditions and procedures for effective collaboration, showing principals how to monitor teams' effectiveness and assist teams in making mid-course corrections. The second unit focuses on the connections between collaborative structures and the processes they support. Of particular concern in this unit are effective ways to structure Teacher-Based Teams (TBTs) and Building Level Teams (BLTs) for the work of analyzing relevant data, identifying evidence-based instructional practices, and promoting a culture of shared accountability. Drawing on information from an initiative known as Moving Your Numbers, Unit three presents case studies from successful school districts to demonstrate how collaborative processes function to promote high-quality, inclusive education.
Workshop Objectives
Unit One Objectives Keyed to Established Standards (Educational Leadership Constituents Council--ELCC, Ohio Master Teacher Criteria--O.MT.C, Ohio Standards for Principals--OP, Ohio Standards for Superintendents--OS, Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession--OT)
ELCC.1.4.B.a. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the role effective communication skills play in building a shared commitment to the vision.
ELCC.1.5.B.b. Candidates acquire and demonstrate the skills needed to communicate effectively with all stakeholders about implementation of the vision.
ELCC.1.5.D.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to bring together and communicate effectively with stakeholders within the district and the larger community concerning implementation and realization of the vision.
ELCC.3.2.B.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to involve staff in conducting operations and setting priorities using appropriate and effective needs assessment, research-based data, and group process skills to build consensus, communicate, and resolve conflicts in order to align resources with the organizational vision.
ELCC.3.2.B.b. Candidates develop communications plans for staff that includes opportunities for staff to develop their family and community collaboration skills.
ELCC.3.2.D.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to involve stakeholders in aligning resources and priorities to maximize ownership and accountability.
ELCC.3.2.D.b. Candidates can use appropriate and effective needs assessment, research-based data, and group process skills to build consensus, communicate, and resolve conflicts in order to align resources with the district vision.
ELCC.4.2.D.c. Candidates demonstrate the ability to interact effectively with individuals and groups that reflect conflicting perspectives.
O.S.2.1 Demonstrate communication competence with all stakeholders.
O.S.2.4 Communicate effectively and openly and demonstrate a willingness to collaborate with external stakeholders.
O.MT.B. Focused Collaboration: Master Teachers work with educators, students, families and communities to create relationships; share knowledge, practice and responsibility; communicate effectively and support student learning. They respond to the needs of their colleagues and students in a timely and competent manner.
Unit Two Objectives Keyed to Established Standards (Educational Leadership Constituents Council--ELCC, Ohio Master Teacher Criteria--O.MT.C, Ohio Standards for Principals--OP, Ohio Standards for Superintendents--OS, Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession--OT)
ELCC.1.4.D.b. Candidates understand the theory and research related to organizational and educational leadership and engage in the collection, organization, and analysis of a variety of information, including student performance data, required to assess progress toward a district’s vision, mission, and goals.
ELCC.2.4.B.b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to use strategies such as observations, collaborative reflection, and adult learning strategies to form comprehensive professional growth plans with teachers and other school personnel.
ELCC.2.4.D.b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to use strategies such as observations and collaborative reflection to help form comprehensive professional growth plans with district and school personnel.
ELCC.3.2.B.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to involve staff in conducting operations and setting priorities using appropriate and effective needs assessment, research-based data, and group process skills to build consensus, communicate, and resolve conflicts in order to align resources with the organizational vision.
ELCC.3.2.D.b. Candidates can use appropriate and effective needs assessment, research-based data, and group process skills to build consensus, communicate, and resolve conflicts in order to align resources with the district vision.
ELCC.4.2.D.c. Candidates demonstrate the ability to interact effectively with individuals and groups that reflect conflicting perspectives.
IS.1.B. Collect and use data to identify goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and promote organizational learning.
IS.2.A. Nurture and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations.
IS.4.A. Collect and analyze data and information pertinent to the educational environment.
O.S.1.2 Expect, model and support the effective use of data.
O.P.2.5 Principals understand, encourage and facilitate the effective use of data by staff.
O.P.4.1 Principals promote a collaborative learning culture.
O.P.4.2 Principals share leadership with staff, students, parents and community members.
O.T.6.3 Teachers collaborate effectively with other teachers, administrators and school and district staff.
O.MT.B. Focused Collaboration: Master Teachers work with educators, students, families and communities to create relationships; share knowledge, practice and responsibility; communicate effectively and support student learning. They respond to the needs of their colleagues and students in a timely and competent manner.
Unit Three Objectives Keyed to Established Standards (Educational Leadership Constituents Council--ELCC, Ohio Master Teacher Criteria--O.MT.C, Ohio Standards for Principals--OP, Ohio Standards for Superintendents--OS, Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession--OT)
ELCC.2.1.B.a. Candidates assess school culture using multiple methods and implement context-appropriate strategies that capitalize on the diversity (e.g., population, language, disability, gender, race, socio-economic) of the school community to improve school programs and culture.
ELCC.2.2.B.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to facilitate activities that apply principles of effective instruction to improve instructional practices and curricular materials.
ELCC.2.2.B.b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to make recommendations regarding the design, implementation, and evaluation of a curriculum that fully accommodates learners' diverse needs.
ELCC.4.1.B.c. Candidates demonstrate the ability to use public information and research-based knowledge of issues and trends to collaborate with families and community members.
ELCC.4.1.B.f. Candidates demonstrate the ability to involve families and other stakeholders in school decision-making processes, reflecting an understanding that schools are an integral part of the larger community.
ELCC.6.1.B.a. Candidates act as informed consumers of educational theory and concepts appropriate to school context and can demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate research methods to a school context.
ELCC.6.1.B.e. Candidates demonstrate the ability to describe the economic factors shaping a local community and the effects economic factors have on local schools.
ELCC.6.1.B.f. Candidates demonstrate the ability to analyze and describe the cultural diversity in a school community.
ELCC.6.3.B.b. Candidates apply their understanding of the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context to develop activities and policies that benefit students and their families.
IS.1.B. Collect and use data to identify goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and promote organizational learning.
IS.2.F. Develop the instructional and leadership capacity of staff.
IS.3.D. Develop the capacity for distributed leadership.
IS.4.B. Promote understanding, appreciation, and use of the community's diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources
IS.5.B. Model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior.
O.S.3.1 Review, develop and recommend policies for the district.
O.S.3.3 Identify and respond to societal and educational trends that affect the district and community.
O.S.4.4 Ensure that the district curriculum, instruction, and assessment program are designed to provide full access and opportunity to all students.
O.P.1.2 Principals lead the process of setting, monitoring and achieving specific and challenging goals that reflect high expectations for all students and staff.
O.P.1.3 Principals lead the change process for continuous improvement.
O.P.2.3 Principals advocate for high levels of learning for all students, including students identified as gifted, students with disabilities and at-risk students.
O.P.2.4 Principals know, understand and share relevant research.
O.P.2.5 Principals understand, encourage and facilitate the effective use of data by staff.
O.P.2.6 Principals support staff in planning and implementing research-based professional development.
O.P.4.2 Principals share leadership with staff, students, parents and community members.
O.P.4.3 Principals develop and sustain leadership.
O.P.5.1 Principals use community resources to improve student learning.
O.P.5.2 Principals involve parents and community members in improving student learning.
O.P.5.3 Principals connect the school with the community.
O.T.1.5 Teachers recognize characteristics of gifted students, students with disabilities and at-risk students in order to assist in appropriate identification, instruction and intervention.
O.T.7.2 Teachers take responsibility for engaging in continuous, purposeful professional development.
O.T.7.3 Teachers are agents of change who seek opportunities to positively impact teaching quality, school improvements and student achievement.
O.MT.E. Continued Professional Growth: Master Teachers engage in continuous professional development and reflection. They use multiple resources to shape the focus and goals of their professional development including student learning, assessment data, researched best practices and school and district goals. They evaluate their personal growth, understanding and application of knowledge and develop an appropriate professional plan.
Workshop Content
Unit One: The Collaborative Process
Unit Two: Collaborative Structures
Unit Three: Collaborative Processes in Action
Grading Procedures
Often workshops are graded on a pass-fail basis. For each unit, obtaining at least proficient performance on each activity should be used as the indicator of a passing score for that unit. For workshops that combine two or three of the units, passing scores on both or all three of the units should equate to a passing grade in the course. If an instructor decides to offer the workshop for a letter grade, he or she will need to determine how activities will be weighted and how rubric ratings will translate into letter grades.
Supply this information based on the guidelines of the university that is offering the workshop.
Additional Information
Supply any additional information here.
[i] Attach the curriculum vitae for the instructor of record.
[ii] If the actual workshop facilitator differs from the instructor of record, list his or her name in parentheses after the name of the instructor of record and his or her contact information in parentheses after the contact information of the instructor of record. Also attach the curriculum vitae for the workshop facilitator.
[iii]A 1.5-quarter hour version will entail completion of one of the three units, a 3-quarter hour version will entail completion of two of the units, and a 4.5-quarter hour version will entail completion of all three units.
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