
Unit One: The Collaborative Process

Page history last edited by Aimee Howley 11 years, 10 months ago


UNIT ONE DESCRIPTION: This unit asks principals to look at the ideas and processes behind collaborative work in general, and specifically at the kinds of work that they themselves will be engaging in with their TBTs. In this unit, participants will read information from relevant OLAC modules, especially the module called "The Collaborative Process." These readings provide the background--both theory and research--that will be put to use in the three activities. The first of these activities asks workshop participants to use their reading about collaborative processes to examine a passage together and then participate in a structured discussion to elicit insights about characteristics of teams and teachers in their own schools as well as the needs a principal might address. The second activity asks principals to use their knowledge to help teacher teams develop effective and efficient ways of sharing curriculum information with various groups of stakeholders. The third activity enables principals to use what they have learned about the way teams function to guide the development of a self-assessment tool that teams can use to evaluate their performance. 


Unit One Objectives Keyed to Established Standards (Educational Leadership Constituents Council--ELCC, Ohio Master Teacher Criteria--O.MT.C, Ohio Standards for Principals--OP, Ohio Standards for Superintendents--OS, Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession--OT) 


ELCC.1.4.B.a. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the role effective communication skills play in building a shared commitment to the vision.


ELCC.1.5.B.b. Candidates acquire and demonstrate the skills needed to communicate effectively with all stakeholders about implementation of the vision.


ELCC.1.5.D.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to bring together and communicate effectively with stakeholders within the district and the larger community concerning implementation and realization of the vision.


ELCC.3.2.B.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to involve staff in conducting operations and setting priorities using appropriate and effective needs assessment, research-based data, and group process skills to build consensus, communicate, and resolve conflicts in order to align resources with the organizational vision.


ELCC.3.2.B.b. Candidates develop communications plans for staff that includes opportunities for staff to develop their family and community collaboration skills. 


ELCC.3.2.D.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to involve stakeholders in aligning resources and priorities to maximize ownership and accountability.


ELCC.3.2.D.b. Candidates can use appropriate and effective needs assessment, research-based data, and group process skills to build consensus, communicate, and resolve conflicts in order to align resources with the district vision.


ELCC.4.2.D.c. Candidates demonstrate the ability to interact effectively with individuals and groups that reflect conflicting perspectives.

O.S.2.1 Demonstrate communication competence with all stakeholders.


O.S.2.4 Communicate effectively and openly and demonstrate a willingness to collaborate with external stakeholders.

O.MT.B. Focused Collaboration: Master Teachers work with educators, students, families and communities to create relationships; share knowledge, practice and responsibility; communicate effectively and support student learning. They respond to the needs of their colleagues and students in a timely and competent manner.



Unit One Content




(10 hours)

Face-to-Face or On-line


(20 hours)

Norms supporting the collaborative process

OLAC Module 17--The Collaborative Process, All  

Activity One: Norms Supporting the Collaborative Process

Collaboration with different stakeholder groups

OLAC Module 8-- Effective Curriculum Practices, pp. 5-9, and 14

Activity Two: Sharing Information about Curriculum 

The stages of teaming

OLAC Module 9-- Facilitating High Quality Instructional Practices, p. 15

Activity Three: The Stages of Teaming












Unit One Readings


Unit One Activities 



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