UNIT TWO DESCRIPTION: This unit focuses on bringing collaborative processes into practice, over time, by structuring the work of teams. Of particular importance are structures that link teams, enabling them to work together to analyze student data and make needed instructional adjustments. Through the videos, narratives, and literature shared in some of the OLAC modules, participants will learn about relevant organizational theory and research as well as about Ohio's use of this body of theory and research in its school improvement process (i.e., the OIP). In one activity presented in the unit, workshop participants create original instruments to gauge teacher engagement with and effectiveness of teams. Other activities in this unit give participants opportunities to observe teams and evaluate their functioning based upon what they have learned and to investigate the ways in which their teachers are already sharing information about effective instructional practices.
Unit Two Objectives Keyed to Established Standards (Educational Leadership Constituents Council--ELCC, Ohio Master Teacher Criteria--O.MT.C, Ohio Standards for Principals--OP, Ohio Standards for Superintendents--OS, Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession--OT)
ELCC.1.4.D.b. Candidates understand the theory and research related to organizational and educational leadership and engage in the collection, organization, and analysis of a variety of information, including student performance data, required to assess progress toward a district’s vision, mission, and goals.
ELCC.2.4.B.b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to use strategies such as observations, collaborative reflection, and adult learning strategies to form comprehensive professional growth plans with teachers and other school personnel.
ELCC.2.4.D.b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to use strategies such as observations and collaborative reflection to help form comprehensive professional growth plans with district and school personnel.
ELCC.3.2.B.a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to involve staff in conducting operations and setting priorities using appropriate and effective needs assessment, research-based data, and group process skills to build consensus, communicate, and resolve conflicts in order to align resources with the organizational vision.
ELCC.3.2.D.b. Candidates can use appropriate and effective needs assessment, research-based data, and group process skills to build consensus, communicate, and resolve conflicts in order to align resources with the district vision.
ELCC.4.2.D.c. Candidates demonstrate the ability to interact effectively with individuals and groups that reflect conflicting perspectives.
IS.1.B. Collect and use data to identify goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and promote organizational learning.
IS.2.A. Nurture and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations.
IS.4.A. Collect and analyze data and information pertinent to the educational environment.
O.S.1.2 Expect, model and support the effective use of data.
O.P.2.5 Principals understand, encourage and facilitate the effective use of data by staff.
O.P.4.1 Principals promote a collaborative learning culture.
O.P.4.2 Principals share leadership with staff, students, parents and community members.
O.T.6.3 Teachers collaborate effectively with other teachers, administrators and school and district staff.
O.MT.B. Focused Collaboration: Master Teachers work with educators, students, families and communities to create relationships; share knowledge, practice and responsibility; communicate effectively and support student learning. They respond to the needs of their colleagues and students in a timely and competent manner.
Unit Two Content
(10 hours)
Face-to-Face or On-line
(5 hours)
Independent Study Activities
(30 hours total)
Collaborative Teams
Collaborative Teams and Organizational Structure (Module 3)
Round-table Discussion Associated with Team Effectiveness Activity
Effective Process Skills Activity
Developing Shared Accountability
Developing Shared Accountability-- the Why, Who, How, and What of Teams (Module 6), pp. 3-10
Sharing Effective Practices Activity
Unit Two Readings
Unit Two Activities
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